Did you know there aren’t any regulations in the fitness industry? That’s right--there are no licenses required to become a personal trainer or even open a gym. This means there are a lot of uneducated personal trainers out there, and it can be scary to think that your health is in their hands. However, it’s important to understand why this is the case, so let’s delve into it further.
Why There Are No Laws or Institutions Requiring Licenses for Fitness Professionals
The main reason for this lack of regulation is that businesses such as gyms or personal training studios are not governed by professional associations like doctors or lawyers are. The certifications available certainly provide an informative base for trainers and gym owners; however, these certifications aren't legally mandated like they would be in other industries.
What Standards Should Gyms Adhere To?
Even though there are no laws regulating the fitness industry, this doesn't mean that gyms don't have standards they need to meet. In order to ensure their customers' safety and satisfaction, fitness facilities should have certain standards when it comes to cleanliness, professionalism and education of their staff. A good gym will always have qualified professionals on hand who have an extensive knowledge base about both exercise and nutrition.
The takeaway from all of this is simple: don’t give up if you’ve had a poor experience with a trainer or gym. There are quality places out there if you take the time to do some research before joining one. With that being said, it's also important to note that regulations for the fitness industry may change over time as more people become aware of the current lack thereof. Until then, make sure you keep yourself informed so that you can protect your own health and wellbeing!