I’m not going to lie to you. The last 10 years have been a WILD rollercoaster ride. There have been a million-and-one reasons for Kate and I to pack it up and say “at least we tried.” If I told you all the details over the last 10 years, you’d be wondering how we were able to get through it. There is only one answer, and that answer is purpose.
Kate and I knew that our purpose in life was to create a space where people feel welcome to start taking control of their health and their lives. We believe there is nothing more important than your health and that we could help a lot of people, so it didn’t matter what obstacle was thrown at us. We were going to figure it out.
Now, after having our son Jaxson, our purpose has only grown stronger. For me, my purpose is to become the best husband, father, and coach I can possibly be. My purpose is so strong that I’m able to consistently do what it takes to achieve my goals, and I know that in achieving my goals it gives me a greater sense of purpose. This is where you start building momentum, and things really start to get fun.
The best part is the mental state it puts you in when you really figure out your purpose. I wake up every day excited to get to work, because I know that by improving myself, I’m ultimately able to create a better life for everyone I care about. The magic happens when you get to a mental state where you are no longer concerned with the result. Instead, you feel excited and motivated to do the work every day because you enjoy it, and you know the results will take care of themselves if you stay consistent.
Take some time today to think about what it is that you really want. What are your goals? Do you feel like something is missing from your life? If you don’t take the time to figure out what YOU want in life, you’re being selfish. You’re being selfish because ultimately, you’re not doing what it takes to present the best version of yourself to the world.
When you begin to improve yourself consistently, I guarantee you’ll wake up every day more motivated and go to sleep every night feeling more fulfilled.
If you’re not happy right now, stop going through the motions and start focusing on yourself. It’s the most selfless thing you can do.