How awesome is it when you wake up, feel rested and are in a positive mindset? You're in a good mental space and slip into your flow state effortlessly. Aren't those days the best?
I love them too, but let's be honest. Those days are few and far between. If I had to guess, I would say I wake up feeling this way 5-10% of the time at best. I think this is important to highlight, because I think a lot of us get frustrated because we're expecting to feel this way more often.
What I have discovered over the last 6 months is that this is a state you have to be willing to manufacture rather than expect to slip into.
I have done a lot of self reflection and goal setting over the last 6 months, and I have figured out a way to make this happen 90+ percent of the time, and the answer is so simple.
Based on the goals I have, I have come up with 3 daily non-negotiables. I know that by doing these 3 simple things consistently, my goals will take care of themselves.
The one I want to share with you today could be the simplest of them all, but maybe the most challenging.
My first non-negotiable is to wake up at the same time every single day.
I'm sure you've seen a ton of motivational social media pages post "million dollar morning routine." They'll list out 19 things you need to do every morning to be successful, and these lists are completely un-realistic. It will look something like this:
4:30 wake up
4:45 HIIT training
5:00 meditation
5:15 breakfast
5:30 stretch
5:45 read
6:15 get to work
I'll tell you one thing for sure... nobody does this. This list is 0% realistic, especially if you have a family.
It doesn't matter what time you wake up, just commit to waking up at the same time every day, including your weekends. It also doesn't matter exactly what you do when you wake up. My suggestion is to do the thing that makes you feel good, and/or relieves anxiety. For some it could be stretching or going for a walk. For others it could be tidying up the house. For me, I have to get to work right away.
The reason why this is so powerful is because you are waking up everyday and you immediately are keeping a promise you made to yourself, which is a huge win. And that's the point. When you start stacking small win after small win, you'll find yourself motivated and in your flow state almost every single day.
Give this a shot, and let me know how it works for you!