Did you know that every year across the United States approximately 83 million days of work are lost due to low back pain?!
If you've struggled or are currently struggling with back pain, you know the impact expands far beyond the physical pain. Debilitating back pain can cause mental and emotional pain due to missing out on activities and the uncertainty if your pain will ever improve.
The good news is there are plenty of exercises you can do from home that have made a dramatic difference in the lives of many people we've worked with, as well as thousands of patients of physical therapists around the world.
Today I am bringing you part 1 out of 3 of the "Big 3" exercises from Dr. Stuart McGill. Dr. McGill has helped millions of people with his research and resources he has provided, so I am excited to show you part 1 today.
Start with this movement and become consistent with it, and stay tuned for next week as I show you part 2. Once you've become consistent with the first exercise, we'll add the second.
If you are dealing with back pain, I strongly suggest you seek the help and guidance of a qualified physiotherapist, chiropractor, or well educated trainer. However, the following exercises are very safe, and can be done from the comfort of your home. Click here for Reducing Back Pain Part 1/3