"you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time around"
The famous quote may sound cliche, but it turns out there's a lot of truth behind it.
The interesting thing about the history of human beings, was that up until about 500 years ago, our brains were programmed to survive in what James Clear refers to as an "immediate return environment."
Scientists best guess is that the human species has been on earth for about 200,000 years, and for 199,500 of those years, we survived because of the immediate return response in our brain.
For example, a real problem not long ago in human history would have been dehydration. If you started to feel dehydrated, you would immediately go on a search for water, drink the water, and your problem would be solved (immediate return environment).
The way the world is now, our problems are much less significant, which means we have the good fortune of living in a delayed return environment. For example: You work hard at your job today, and you get a paycheck in two weeks (delayed return).
The same is true when it comes to fitness and nutrition. While we are trying to help you get some "quick" results with this challenge, they still don't happen immediately. Even when we're being aggressive with our approach, it can take many days and weeks to see the response.
Fitness is an even better example, because it takes months and years of consistent practice to truly reap the rewards from all of your hard work.
All of this to say that it's ok to feel frustrated and even a little anxiety as you go after your goals. This anxiety is likely due to the uncertainty of it all. "Will this really work?" is a question that will loom in you head until you start seeing the results you are looking for.
This is completely normal, because remember, our brains were wired for an immediate return on our actions for the last 199,500 years. We're fortunate that we don't live in that environment anymore, but we need to be aware of the evolution we're fighting against within our own brains.
I hope this makes sense, and I hope this can help you relieve or better understand any pressure or anxiety you might be feeling during your weight loss/fat loss journey.
Have a great one!