The other day Kate and I were going for one of our walks, and she asked me what I thought makes the difference from people who achieve their goals to the ones that don’t.
Ultimately I believe there are a lot of things that separate these people, but one of the first things that came to mind was someone’s willingness to fail.
There’s a lot of evidence that suggests that the most successful people have failed the most, which sounds like an oxymoron.
“Must be nice”
“Easy for them to say”
Are common phrases you hear other’s say about successful people. This is likely because they only know about their successes, and they have no idea how many times they have failed in the process of getting to where they are.
In order to be successful, you have to be willing to take risks. You have to be willing to fall on your face, and feel stupid. You have to be willing to make mistakes, because this is the only way you can learn and make progress.
Sure, you can read books and learn from successful people and their strategies, but even then you’re still going to make mistakes.
I can tell you from experience of running our gym with Kate. This has been the hardest thing we’ve ever done in our lives- bar none.
This experience has also taught me more, and developed me more as a person than any other experience ever could.
Because we have failed so damn much.
We’ve failed, learned, course corrected, and kept moving.
If you want to wake up with a feeling of purpose and drive, you have to set goals and be willing to stumble along the way. If you keep moving, you’ll keep learning and make progress like never before.
Always remember that your energy is powerful, so make the choice to be the best part of someone’s day today.