Do you know what you want?
In the book 10x is easier than 2x, and in the book the authors talk about the profound difference about being in a state of WANT rather than being in a state of NEED.
When was the last time you sat down and thought about what it is you really want? No matter what anyone tells you, it is 100% ok to want something. So many people limit themselves because they think that because they don’t NEED it, they don’t to go for it. Then they continue living their lives and settling for having only what they need.
Here’s why it’s important.
When you limit yourself to only what you need, you get stuck in a limited mindset. When you’re in a limited mindset, you limit your potential and are not on track to becoming your best self. When you’re not on track to becoming your best self, you limit what you can do and provide for others.
By settling for what you need, and not going for what you want, you ultimately limit the impact you can make on other people.
When you’re clear about what it is you want, you wake up in the morning with a different sense of purpose and energy. This energy is contagious and infects everyone around you and brings you into a growth mindset.
So why do we limit ourselves and give up what we really want? I think its perception. We’re afraid to tell the truth about what it is we really want because we don’t want to come off as greedy, materialistic, or ridiculous. In other words, we care too much about what other people will think.
Just think about it for a second. If you were to sit down and journal for a few minutes and think deeply about what things you truly want in life right now, how different would the answers be if someone asked you and you had to answer out loud?
And this isn’t just material things. It’s ok to want a deeper relationship with your spouse. It’s ok to want to spend more time with your family. It’s ok to want to go on a 4-week vacation. It’s ok to want to have time to do something you love to do.
If you feel like you wake up and don’t have energy, aren’t motivated, or feel like something is missing in your life, you might want to start by journaling about what it is you truly want. This is one small step in the process, but if you make the time to do it, I guarantee you that you’ll immediately start feeling a different type of energy, motivation and even level of happiness.
My call to action to you is to take 10 minutes today to journal about all the things you really want. Better relationships, experiences, cars, money, whatever. The key here is you must be 100% honest and real with yourself. Don’t hold back. Remember, this isn’t just about you, it’s about becoming the best version of you to deliver to the people you care most about.
Have a great one today!