"You may not feel like doing it, but do it anyway. Your future self will thank you."
-Zig Ziglar
I love this quote because it can be connected to almost anything we do that is good for us. Don't feel like cooking? Don't feel like working out? Don't feel like doing the laundry right now? These are three small examples, but we have so many opportunities every day to take care of what we know we should. By taking care of these things as often as we can, it puts us in a much better environment to improve ourselves and to be more present with our families.
Next time you're faced with something you don't feel like doing, do it immediately. For me, this is doing the dishes. I'm not a fan of doing the dishes, and I find myself at night trying to convince myself to put it off until morning. Now I'm not perfect, but most of the time I force myself to get it done at night and I'm always so thankful in the morning that I did.
Another clear example is working out.
Sometimes we're tired from a long day, or maybe we didn't get enough sleep the night before. Something threw us off our normal routine, and now that little voice in your head starts to try and negotiate with you a reason why you don't have to do it today.
WHEN this happens, all I want you to think about is showing up to the gym and warming up. If you still don't feel good after warming up, then stop and head home. You might be surprised as to how much better you feel after simply doing a few warm up/mobility exercises.
Staying consistent with workouts is something we all struggle with, myself and all of the trainers included. It is completely normal, but if we want to stay healthy and achieve specific fitness goals, consistency is the number one determining factor.
This approach can also be applied to the other things we don't feel like doing. Start doing just a few dishes and see what happens. Fold just a little bit of the laundry, or prepare just a little bit of your food for the next day. If you stop after just a doing a little bit, at the very least you'll have a head start. More often than not, you'll end up finishing what you started.
If you're struggling or need help with anything at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or any of the trainers!