Fat loss and weight loss are two of the most common goals we hear from everyone we talk to, so here are 3 things you can do to help accelerate your fat loss/weight loss journey.
1. Lift weights 2-4 times per week. Over the last 10 years we've seen the best results with those who are consistent with their strength training. By lifting weights, you increase your muscle mass, which allows you to burn more calories on a daily basis.
2. Pay attention to your nutrition. Sometimes it can be an eye-opening moment to track your food for the first time in a while. Certain macronutrient categories (fat and carbs) can get out of hand faster than we think, and unless you're tracking it there's no way to know where you're at.
3. Water. This could be the least exciting, but most effective. You can be doing everything right in terms of workouts, sleep and nutrition, but if you don't have enough water, you will only get a fraction of the results you could have gotten.
We'll dive deeper into these topics in future emails!
BONUS #4: Supplementing your Fat Loss
Creatine is one of the most mis-understood supplements on the market. Did you know that creatine can actually help accelerate your fat loss/weight loss results?