I was in a bad mood the other day and didn't feel like working out. As I was driving by the gym, two people came out of a nearby barber shop, one of whom was a younger man in a wheel chair. My mindset began to shift. I got into the gym and started to warm up and realized the man next to me had a prosthetic lower leg. God was clearly showing me that the things that got me into a bad mood were merely inconveniences, and nothing close to real problems.
The number one differentiator between those who achieve their goals and those who fall short? What you do when things become inconvenient. The fact is, we're creatures of habit and we all like to have a sense of consistency and control (to differentiating degrees). We get into our routine and the second something gets in the way, everything get's thrown off our usual course. One thing gets thrown off, then another, and another, and another. Then we just say "screw it" and give in to the mess of the day.
We then skip the workout, don't eat how we usually do and end up making a bunch of small choices that add up to us not being productive and feeling like garbage.
Sound familiar? I know I've been guilty of this myself, but I've figured out a way out and I want to share it with you.
The way out of it is to stop when this happens and think about the situation. Is this a real problem? Or is this an inconvenience? Example: someone cutting you off on your way to work: inconvenience. Sustaining an injury at work: problem. The thing is, so many people allow inconveniences to dictate their entire day!
When you see people lose control due to road rage, it's a perfect example of someone allowing inconveniences dictate their lives.
The problem with this?
How realistic is it to think we'll go through even a single day without any inconveniences? It's not! Inconveniences are always going to happen, so it's best that we expect them to and have a strategy ready so that they don't dictate our day.
When you become aware that what you're experiencing isn't a real, serious PROBLEM, it immediately gives you perspective. This newfound perspective gives you a chance to change your energy, and regain control over your day.
The key here is to have the presence of mind to stop and look at the situation for what it is. Odds are, it's an inconvenience. Recognize it and don't let it dictate your day.