"The Sublte Art of Not Giving a Fu*k" is one of my favorite books. If you haven't read it, I highly suggest you take a look.
In his book, Mark Manson discusses the difference between fault and responsibility. This is such a powerful concept, because it is another skillset you can develop to help you take control over situations when things just aren't going right.
Manson points out the main difference between fault and responsibility is that fault is in the past tense, whereas responsibility is in the present tense. Fault is based on decisions that have already been made, and responsibility is based on decisions we're in the process of making.
Why is this so important?
Because in order to change, we have to take responsibility for our problems. Who's at fault doesn't really matter. The problem is there either way. The fact is, nobody is responsible for changing your current situation except for you, so it's best to move on from who is at fault, accept the responsibility to change the situation, and start taking action.
Most people prefer to take responsibility for success and happiness. Who wouldn't? However, if you want to make progress, you have to be wiling to take responsibility for your problems and the work that it will take to change your situation.
I'd love to hear what you think, and I hope this mindset shift helps!