I've talked to hundreds of people over the last few years, and one thing has become clear: covid took all of our habits and routines and threw them out the window. SO many people have struggled to get back on track since then, so I wanted to take a minute to provide some information that might help you.
Since 2020:
-We move significantly less (many of us no longer need to go to the office)
-We were conditioned to order out food- developed horrible eating habits
-Our daily routines and habits were essentially erased
-Anxiety and depression has held many back from getting back into a routine
If you feel like you are stuck here, trust me you're not alone. The good news is, so many people have been able to break the cycle, and you can too. Here's what I recommend if you feel stuck without a routine, have low energy and are not motivated.
The key here is to start simple, and start building some momentum. If this seems too simple, good!
1. Pick a time to wake up in the morning, and wake up at the same time every day.
If there's one thing that has made the most dramatic change in my life, this is it. Give yourself enough time in the morning so you don't have to rush to start the day. By getting up at the same time every day it:
-Gives me a sense of control
-Makes the morning less stressful because I'm not in a rush
-Makes me feel good because I kept a promise to myself
-Gives me a sense of accomplishment right away, because I accomplished something difficult
-Gives me time to do something I really want or need to get done, which clears my mind and makes me more present.
-Gives me a quick win and starts to build momentum for the rest of the day.
2. Pick a time during the day to go for a walk
It doesn't matter if it is a 5 minute walk or a 50 minute walk. The key here is at this time every day you stop what you're doing and go for a walk. This will energize you for the day, reinforce your sense of control, and stack yet another win for yourself.
3. Pick one thing you're doing that isn't productive and make it less convenient
Spending too much time on social media? Too much time on Netflix? Are you eating too much food you know you should be having less of? We are all very much a product of our environment, so changing our environment can make a huge impact on our daily habits.
If you spend too much time on social media, delete the app from your phone so if you really want to use it you have to download it again .
If you spend too much time on TV, challenge yourself to not turn it on until you know exactly what you want to watch.
If you're eating too much food you should be having less of, move it to an area where you don't see it, and/or is hard to get to.
Making these adjustments to your environment make it harder to do the things you know aren't serving you, which makes making better decisions easier.
So those are the 3 action items I have for you that will help you break the cycle so many of you have been stuck in since 2020. Remember, the key is to make it as simple as possible so you can be consistent with it. Consistency is absolutely critical for long term success. If you start with tasks that are too demanding, you might stick with it for a few days, but more often than not this becomes overwhelming, and most people quit.
Keep it simple, stick with it, and your daily habits and routines will begin to shift. Before you know it you'll start feeling more energy, more motivated and a better sense of control over your day and over your life.